Metrics – questions to ask your prospect

METRIC section: Prospect qualifying questions

Metric questions to ask the prospect at red moving to yellow

Status Grey – no metric proof points presented or sample metric / ROI presented but not validated by the prospect.

Guiding Light Principle:  Agreement.  The major objective at this level is to gain agreement that the metric / proof points  are relevant to their environment, illustrate that you have listen to the prospect, you understand their needs and their business.

  • Tell me how these Metric Proof points are relevant in your environment?
  • Explain to me where you think these savings/impact would work for you in your environment?
  • Describe to me how this would impact you and/or your “customer”?

Metric questions to ask the prospect at yellow moving to green

Status Yellow – Metric / ROI is validated by customer but not documented.

Guiding Light Principal – Adoption

  • Tell me now that we’ve defined the metrics/impact that your institution truly cares about, how will you validate them within your company and your buying process?
  • Explain to me how we can get these savings/metrics/impact into your Dc and Dp?
  • Describe to me who else we are going to need to accept this metric to be valid in your environment?

Metric questions to ask the prospect at green.

Status Green –   Customer has taken ownership of metric / ROI and is documented within their decision process.

Guiding Light Principle: Ownership – The Customer is demonstrating ownership of the Metric and actively using it to advance the campaign internally

  • Tell me now that we’ve validated the metrics, what is the best way to convey these results to management?
  • Explain to me who else needs to be involved to approved/validate these metrics?
  • Describe to me how these metrics are properly documented in the decision criteria and process?