Metric section: Inspection questions sales leaders
Status Grey – Relevant metric proof points identified and presented.
Guiding Light Principle: Agreement. The major objective at this level is to gain agreement that the metric proof points are relevant to their environment, illustrate that you have listen to the prospect and you understand their needs and their business.
- Tell me how you researched the company?
- Explain to me how the metric proof point(s) your presenting link to their business objectives?
- Describe to me the reaction of the audience to the metric proof point you presented?
Status Yellow – Metric / ROI is validated by customer but not documented.
Guiding Light Principal – Adoption
- Tell me what feedback you got from your potential Champion to validate that they accepted our metric proof points?
- Explain to me which relevant business metrics are linked to the biggest business pains?
- Describe to me how your Champion justified the relevance of documenting metrics of their own?
Status Green – Customer has taken ownership of metric / ROI and is documented within their decision process.
Guiding Light Principle:The Customer is demonstrating ownership.
- Tell me how the relevant business metrics have been documented in the ROI?
- Explain to me how you know the Champion has ownership of the ROI document?
- Describe to me where the ROI is documented in the Decision criteria and accounted for in the Decision process?