Economic Buyer

Economic Buyer

The EB is a Person with the discretionary approval to spend. The person gives the ultimate “yes” or “no” to a project. Usually the person has a clear sight on the business benefits, decision criteria and the process to close a deal.

Meeting the real EB, checking for his sponsorship, criteria and next steps usually sheds a lot of light on the complex decision criteria and processes. Preparing the EB meeting is key to success, however you need to do your homework on the value proposition and earn the right to ask for this meeting.

Qualifying if you talk to the real EB is key. A good qualifying question could be: ”If you & I come to an agreement, is there anybody else formally or informally that would need to be involved or approve?”

Question to ask the EB:

  • Do you sponsor the project?
  • What does success look like for you?
  • What are the next steps, if we fulfill the success criteria?

If the EB confirms the project and outlines a possible close date, your deal has good chance to close. If you do not meet the EB or get his approval, your chance of closing a deal in time drops below 50%.