Champion section: Inspection questions
Status Grey – No champion and no potential champions identified.
Guiding Light Principle: Select & Identify – You may have “friends” within the account but you have no indication yet if these “friends” have any influence, or access to the EB, or a personal win tied to your solution.
- Describe to me the potential champions answers to your questions during the discovery meeting?
- What character traits did you uncover in them?
- Have they ever done something like this before?, When?
- Did you confirm with anyone else that this person is of champion caliber?, Who?
- What does our SE think about this person?
- Has our SE identified a potential technical champion?
Status Yellow – Identified potential champion, but haven’t confirmed personal win and or tested as champion.
Guiding Light Principal -Develop and Test – A Potential Champion has emerged from the pack as a “Change Agent” who will tell you the truth and share important information. You are aware that this Potential Champion NEEDS your solution and you’re aware of his Personal Win. This Potential Champion has access to the EB or has a clear plan to gain access.
- Did he/she tell you who the EB is?
- Tell me how they are assisting you to influence the Dc & the Dp?
- Explain to me what he/she has done to get you access to the EB?
- Tell me how they have helped you get answers to MEDDICC?
- Explain to me his/her personal win is?
Status Green – One or more champions validated w/ personal wins tied to us winning – Note: For C=Green, EB must be Yellow or Green.
Guiding Light Principle: Actively sells for you – The individual or individuals have emerged and you have seen tangible evidence of their support such as: Sponsoring meetings with the EB, Modifying decision criteria, Adding or removing events in the decision process & / or Assisting in the development, authoring & distribution of Metrics, Success Stories or ROIs.
- Describe the tangible evidence they are selling for us when we aren’t there?
- How have they helped us?
- Will they forget you when this is over?
- Will you forget them?